Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The other kind of RPG is also a hassle for the Israeli Army

According to this article from last year, the IDF does not like recruits who play Dungeons & Dragons, and such recruits are automatically given a low security clearance. I can't imagine what the IDF does when they get a recruit that plays Call of Cthulhu. Quoted in the article, an IDF spokesperson says:
"They're detached from reality and susceptible to influence,”

I don't think that is quite fair. Surely D & D players can be just as good at soldiering as the next guy/girl. Look at this example:

A Calvary Scout if I ever saw one.


Anonymous said...

Calvary and Cavalry are different things...

Chaon said...

Oops. I should have said "Ranger".

Robin said...

Looks like a rump ranger to me.