Friday, December 08, 2006

Obedient to their laws, we lie

The Battle of Thermopylae or, (depending on who you talk to) the Battle of Salamis is commonly regarding as one of those key historical events that allowed the West to stay western.
I don't know if that is true, but the story of 300 Spartans and 700 Thespians defending the narrow pass is a good one. So good, that they made a movie about it: The 300 Spartans. That movie was so good that Frank Miller penned a graphic novel 300, telling the story from the perspective of Leonidas of Sparta.

And as these things go, the popularity of the graphic novel has spawned another movie, also entitled 300. Here is a trailer from the movie: 300 Trailer (Youtube video)

It looks pretty sweet. Any movie that combines swords, rhinos, and music by Nine Inch Nails is going to get me to buy a ticket. However, I do have one question, and I'm sure I'm only thinking this because I am a moonbat liberal who is insufficiently dedicated to Victory Freedom. Here's the question:

Is this the absolute best time in the world to release a movie glorifying war with the Persians? A war that decides the future of Western civilization? Just wondering.


Red A said...

Richard Burton in Alexander, "Kill Darius, Kill Darius, Kill Darius"

Red A at Sound Garden with Brit Paul - met an Iranian with a Islamic name but said he preferred to be called Darius.

That was the same night we met the drunk Saudis.

Rye said...

i was there for that too. remember the saudi who kept insisting that he prefered heineken to goats?

darius rode us on his bike to that breakfast shop on wen xin at sunrise. tight fit but he got us there...

Michael Turton said...

Why were 700 actors fighting Thermopylae?

Red A said...

Rye, I remembered vaguely it was three on a bike...who was lucky pierre?

Rye said...

what's with that phrase 'lucky pierre'? i know what you mean but where does it come from? is it anything like a pivot man?

Red A said...

Well, you're lucky I did my PhD in linguistics on the etymology of nasty sex acts...Lucky Pierre was actually a French aristocrat, Pierre de Smithy in the 18th century who enjoyed the middle man position in gay three ways. He was a tall, thin man, with a beak of a nose and a penchant for chess. He later explored much of Florida seeking the fountain of youth and impotency cures, but ended up marrying a local Seminole woman and anglicizing his surname to "Smith" His ancestors still live in Florida today, following his twisted ways.

Chaon said...

"A beak of a nose"? Sounds like some kind of freak.

Robin said...

Was "Karl" a popular christian name among the "Smith" family?