Monday, October 20, 2008

Sweet mother of God. I didn't know it was possible to get an aneurysm from reading something, but I swear I just came pretty damn close.


Anonymous said...

That is so incredibly funny AND scary that i almost pissed my self laughing AND quaking with fear. I started laughing until saw that there was a group called the 'endtime handmaidens and servants'- something about that chills my blood. What's new Karl? Play any A&A lately? Try that game i lent you? Aj

Anonymous said...

Here's the movie trailer voice-over...

"In a world where science and technology seem to rule...a secret war is being waged....between mystical forces battling for the soul of mankind..."

The ellipses represent cutaway scenes, one set of austere, creepy-looking christians (ala American Gothic)in silent prayer, then juxtapose with heart-pounding tribal music and dancing African witch doctors.

Michael Turton said...

Wow are those people idiots, in every way, from religion to Kenya politics.

Great pirate flag!