Friday, August 03, 2007

From The National Review Online- Let’s Make a Movie Deal

The author has some great movie ideas to balance Hollywood's leftist bent:
Cheney. He was White House chief of staff. He was secretary of defense. They thought his career was over. And then he became one of the most hated and feared politicians in the land, one heartbeat away from the presidency. But that was only the beginning. After months of the politicos’ eyeing the field, Dick Cheney surprised them all by storming in late in the race and taking the Republican nomination for president in 2008…
Now THAT would be a great movie! It would be like a combination of Nightmare on Elm Street and The Waterboy.

That got me to thinking about some movie ideas, and I think I've got a winning idea as well:
A brutal dictator in a petroleum-rich foreign country is oppressing his people and demanding that future oil contracts be paid for in Euros. America's politicians want to take him out, so they call Colonel Braddock: a grizzled veteran of three decades known for his take-no-prisoners approach and willingness to bend the rules. As plans for invasion and occupation move forward, Braddock starts to read compulsively about the history and culture of the target nation. Unsatisfied, he reads more- studying the geopolitics and religions and ethnic rivalries of neighboring nations. In the final meeting at the White House to approve the military action, Colonel Braddock tells the politicians that the planned invasion is the stupidest goddamn idea he's ever heard, and that the occupation is doomed to fail. Then he kicks the Secretary of Defense in the nuts.
Now I just need to find the right actor to portray Colonel Braddock. I'm leaning towards Bruce Campbell.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Karl, I've got some audition tapes for you right here.