Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Doom Beeping

Holiday tomorrow. You know what that means: Mighty Japanese infantry divisions marching steadfastly towards Moscow, obliterating anything in their way. Unless I am playing Russia, in which case we'll see the Heroic Soviet army liberate Manchuria and Kwantung, which as we all know were historically part of Russia anyway.

For those of you heading to Spring Scream, good luck. It's usually much warmer in Kenting than in Taichung, but it's helluva cold in Taichung today.


Some say that The Onion is not as funny as it used to be. That may be true, but I think they can still knock one out of the park once in a while.


You know how in coin and stamp collecting, sometimes they print or mint a stamp or coin that has a mistake or flaw. Then the collectors go crazy for the imperfect item, and the price goes through the roof. I wonder if the same principle applies for those who collect other things. If so, does that make one of these patches worth a lot of money?

1 comment:

Robin said...

That's the reason you didn't drop by while in the states, you knew I'd make you play a real wargame.