Wednesday, July 13, 2005

July in Taiwan...

...Sucks. Still. Always has, pretty much. Let's look at what we've got:
-Stultifying heat for the next three months, possibly broken only by:
-the occasional Typhoon as the Pacific Typhoon Season ramps up.
-Ghost month approaching, in which yer not supposed to swim, move house, or get liposuction.
-Half the expat population out of the country on vacation, the other half apparently moving to Puli. What the hell is going on in Puli that all these people are moving up there?

But look! On Fark! A link to Bisexual women "pressured to be lesbians"!!! Whohoo! That's right, not only are bisexual women pressured to become lesbians, but both bisexual women AND lesbians are pressured to send me pictures and detailed accounts of their experiences!


vt said...

Again with the lesbian obsession?!

Red A said...

It's called a healthy male sexuality.

Robin said...

Hot and humid huh? Like North Carolina without NASCAR?

Red A said...

Every day's commute is like Nascar. Except we have to avoid hitting scooters, old folks, and street vendors.

Anonymous said...

The weather really sucks. Taichung is stupidly hot. God I'm glad i am on holiday. REading in the AC is nice. But who the F**k made this weather so awful. Who is to blame for this stuff? I want to know. Tell me and I will go to his house and break his AC machine