Tuesday, January 20, 2004

When you are playing a simulation of WWIII as the Americans, having given the Soviets a massive material advantage in the setup because you have played this game a million times and don't remember the last time you lost, there are a some tactical messages that you don't mind seeing on the notification screen:

"We liberated an oilfield in USSR" - Yeah I know. Where did Ivan think those armor divisions in Turkey were going to go?
"Enemy carrier spotted in Sea of Japan"- Yawn.
"Enemy threatening Bonn" - Bring it Ivan. My infantry is entrenched and I have air superiority in Europe.

But once in a while you'll see a message that you really would rather not see:
"Norfolk fell to the enemy" - WHAT!? Yep. There is a Soviet infantry division already fortifying. What is this, a frikkin Tom Clancy novel? HOW DID THEY GET THERE? HEY! STAY AWAY FROM MY CAPITOL!

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