Friday, August 22, 2003

Dear Karl,
The data you quoted are old. The recent analysis is now 13 kg of grain and 30 kg of forage per 1 kg of beef produced.

Source: USDA, 2001. Agricultural Statistics. US Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC. [in Pimentel, D. Livestock Production and Energy Use (in press) see Table 2.]

Best Regards,
David Pimentel (anw)

At 09:46 AM 01/03/2003 +0800, you wrote:

Dear Dr. Pimental,

A web site devoted to vegetarianism has a page titled "How Much Water to Make a Pound of Beef?"

The page quotes you as saying:
"the data we had indicated that a beef animal consumed 100 kg of hay and 4 kg of grain per 1 kg of beef produced."

Please advise me of your source for this data. I would like to research this issue further.

Thanks and regards,

Karl Smith

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