Sunday, August 08, 2010


30 minutes after I stepped off the HSR at the Banchiao station, it started raining. 15 minutes after that, it stopped. Then it started again. Then it stopped again. Then it started again. Then it stopped again. Then it started again. Then it stopped again.

Seriously Taipei, what the fuck?

Brunch this morning at Carnegies. The food there has been talked up a lot on Forumosa, and the reality did not disappoint.

I live within a five minute walk of Burger King. That beats my 15 minute walk to Costco in Taichung.

"Mind the platform gap."------- This sentence bugs me. I'm not sure why.

The brown MRT line was designed and built to be used by dwarves.

1 comment:

Michael Turton said...

You'll be corrupted for sure!