Monday, March 12, 2007

I went to a wedding last Saturday. It was unremarkable, as Taiwanese weddings go. However, one of the groom's guests turned out to be a U.S. DEA agent based in Beijing. Man, did I learn a lot of interesting stuff. I'm not going to write DEA Guy's name, because I saw what happened to Scooter Libby.

Me: So, where does all the Ketamine come from?
DEA Guy: India. It's not illegal there, and they still use it.
Me: What do they use it for? Anesthesia?
DEA Guy: They use it to sedate their children.

You know, I've always wondered why India could never seem to get its act together. Now I think I have some inkling why.

DEA Guy said that their main job right now (in China) is to stop precursor chemicals from being shipped to Mexico. Precursor chemicals? Yeah, for meth. I asked him if the meth epidemic is as bad in the U.S. as it is portrayed in the media, and he said absolutely.


Video funny- Elves vs. Dwarves. Such debates are not really fair, because elves don't understand things like logic and rational thought. Besides, beards and axes!

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