What we learned this week:
England cannot hold an E1 India factory unless Japan screws up somehow. And even the Colonial Garrison NA makes an Indian factory problematic.
Skip the German 88's. Not worth it.
7-11's current beer promotion, where you buy three cans at 21% off (or six cans, or nine cans, etc.) is bad for local bar business. Good for personal budget considerations.
Outing a Forumosan is fine if you do it in the Forumosa Mod forum, and your name is Anthony. Do it on your blog when your name is Karl and yer just begging for abuse. Especially if you do it in the same week that Chewycorns gets himself banned from said forum.

The Suntory beers taste great.
LOL. Chewycorns banned? Maybe I'll have to start posting again.
Ran the England India factory again last night -- kept the Navy, and then added to it, instead of building up land forces in Idnia, built up navy in Indian Ocean. Powerful UK Navy gave UK East Indies and New Guinea, plus boosted US. Eviscerated Japan with KJF taking all the islands. Who cares? Japan took Russia anyway with Nazi rockets hitting Russia and no pressure on Germany. I can't see any solution to a turn 1 rocket buy for Germany (bought rockets, 2 trannies, and another AA gun with bid $). Plus kept sub in Atlantic sea zone so no way UK can move to N Africa on turn one.
Japan took Russia or Germany took Russia?
Malv and I played an epic 13 hour (two-day) game, where Germany lost Berlin twice, and Japan took Moscow on turn 10 or something. As it turns out, Japan getting Russia's 24 IPCs is no match for England and USA getting Germany's 40.
Chaon, I believe permanently suspended is the term being used. Kind of funny, since I broke no actual rules. I mentioned that an ex-mod might be violating the terms of his working visa. Of course, this same ex-mod outs my new identity on Forumosa hours later. Any action taken? No. He is Maoman's housesitter, and Maoman gave this ex-mod a work position that he recently resigned from.
I feel sorry for Maoman. His old man is an accomplished conductor and "Order of Canada" recipient. Maoman, almost 40, is teaching kindy in Taipei and playing God on Forumosa. Not exactly in the same league is it?
Michael, I'm sad that you are happy I'm suspended. I for one, always enjoy "bloodsport" threads and fierce debates in IP and TP. I thought professors values free speech. Is it different for foreign professors in Taiwan? I guess, like I've suspected all along, that you are not real professors at all. Just monkeys with an extra piece of paper.
Anyways, in TP on Forumosa, I was a strong supporter of the Greens for quite a few years (I'm pretty apolitical now--don't trust either side) and still respect a lot of their appointments (mentioned these too in TP). However, I was vocal about my dislike of the PO office boy-scout appointments, their poor administrative skills, their dislike of foreigners, their cultural relativism, their drinking on the job, and the illegal working conditions they placed foreigners in.
"Outing" refers to public awareness of information, i.e. letting the general public know.
There is a big difference between posting information on a public blog, and posting information in a private forum which is only accessible to appointed responsible people who agree to the ethics and wellbeing of the site.
Why is that so difficult to comprehend and respect?
Maoman, you gratuitously reveal members' personal information in the Forumosa Mod forum just for the sake of doing it. Because you can. Well, you are king of Forumosa, and can do as you please there.
But this is my stupid blog where I can reveal the names of Forumosans who I think hide behind anonymity to be caustic assholes online.
Even so, I'd like to pull the post as per Dan's polite request, except that I can't seem to go 24 hours without another catachrestic Forumosan posting crap in my comments.
I think posting people's actual names is pretty low (I didn't do that with Jaboney--could have but didn't), but I agree with your comments on the hypocrisy of Forumosa. Maoman's friends and housesitters can out people (Jaboney outing my reincarnation Capo publically), can call Jewish people "yids" (Huang Guang Chen), and can have crude senses of humor and Maoman won't say a word. He won't warn them and certainly won't suspend over such infractions. However, others users he's decided to take an interest in, will have 19-pages of notes (as Chewycorns did).
An overposting Forumosa moderator can write "Go fuck a Goat" in a forum he moderates to another poster but if an ordinary poster did it and overposted the story would be different.
Karl, this is my first and last comment here. I don't write anonymously. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. I'd be happy to answer them. You have my e-mail and my phone number, I believe.
Best Regards,
Anthony van Dyck
First comment? A lie. You have posted on this blog a few times.
IMHO, you can sit down and have a decent conversation with Gus. However, in my opinion, you can't do the same with Maoman, whether it is in person or on the phone. He'll mention your infractions and get worked up over them, but when you bring up similar infractions committed by other posters, he won't make the logical connection.
In our last conversation a month ago, Gus had to interrupt him a few times to actually explain or "simplify" the points I was making.
It is too bad Gus is so busy. I think, by far, he is the fairer and stronger administrator.
Who in the hell is Gus? And why do you dicks insist on posting anonymously? The whole point of the original post is that you shouldn't insult people online and hide your identity.
I work for Forumosa.
So I am really getting a kick out of most of these replies.
Some of you guys are very good at making it sound like you know what you are talking about.
But trust me.... You don't.
I think you just want to make yourself sound smart, when in reality you dont know what you are talking about.
This is how bad info gets passed around.
If you dont know about the topic....Dont make yourself sound like you do.
Cuz some expatriates believe anything they hear.
Work for Forumosa? I thought it was non profit.
Forumosa Collides with FARK;
Crash leaves cliches and invective strewn across blogosphere. Film at 11:00.
Michael, I'm sad that you are happy I'm suspended. I for one, always enjoy "bloodsport" threads and fierce debates in IP and TP. I thought professors values free speech. Is it different for foreign professors in Taiwan? I guess, like I've suspected all along, that you are not real professors at all. Just monkeys with an extra piece of paper.
Chewy, your problem wasn't the free speech issue -- which has essentially become the last refuge of the scoundrel these days. It was that you had become a one-issue poster -- and issue you raise again here -- venting your personal frustrations with the Presidential Office, instead of contributing something to the conversation. I enjoy a good tussle too, but I prefer to tussle with people who can teach me something. You could have, if you had risen out of your personal wallow.
Believe me, I know exactly where you are coming from, having just done what you did, only on a much larger scale, and with people whose respect and help I needed, instead of anonymous posters on a forum. I've been where you are. And it isn't a good place to be.
Any time you want to stop taking DPP policy personally, you'll be a fantastic poster with lots to say, and one I'll listen too.
Work for Forumosa? I thought it was non profit.
See, as he said there are things you have no clue about. ;-)
This is Chewycorns. For some reason, when I post on a blog on my PDA phone, it doesn't allow me to enter my name.
Anyways, I disagree with you labelling me a one issue poster. Chewycorns posted for three years and less than 20 percent of my posts were in the TP forum. While I may have posted too many posts on the PO people, I think my anger at them was perfectly reasonable and justified. Read the international development ministry's 2003 and 2004 reports and compare the quality of these reports with 99 percent of other gov publications. Then ask yourself how you would feel upon hearing the vilest racism, ignorance, and cultural relativism being espoused by people you thought were honorable and who you had gone the extra mile for (thousands of hours of unpaid overtime and illegal lunch hour work).
I'm just glad that more scandals have emerged so people can clearly realize that my posts almost a year ago were somewhat prophetic. Not just one or two bad apples, but a whole stinking nest of cheaters and pirates. In most instances, in Taiwan, PO people, government workers, and other political appointments are not decent or fair minded, regardless of their political color, when it comes to foreigner rights.
Nice Chinese people generally don't enter politics. There are a few exceptions, and I am damn glad to have worked for one such exception for two years. Just a shame what happened as soon as he was moved out and the PO people came in. Anyways, in the end, the PO people have weakened the Greens credibility and the party will be punished. I hope in the future, development people will realize that clean government, honoring verbal contracts, and treating foreigners fairly is just as important as spending millions of dollars promoting "people's diplomacy."
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