Monday, January 22, 2007

Video stuff-

I hope they make these suits in extra tall sizes.

The worlds hardest obstacle course. I think I'd be good up until the 19 second mark, where you gotta grab that big column and roll with it to the bottom. Everything after that made me whimper in shame just to watch it.

In the news-

Bad news for me and the boys from Ni Howdy. As if we weren't all fashion-challenged as it is, apparently we now need to wear men's leggings to be chic. Somebody let me know where I can get leggings in woodland camo.

Headline that caught my eye- Zeus Worshipers Demand Access to Temple Well, why not Zeus?


Football tonight at FUBAR. Games at 5:00PM and 7:30PM. I hope the Bears-Saints game is first, so I can skip it.

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