Monday, October 16, 2006


Local readers of this blog probably know or know of Big John. Also known as Texas John. Should probably be known as I-didn't-know-any-human-being-could-drink-that-much-John.

Anyway, I saw John Friday night at PJ's, and he was drinking green tea and bourbon. That's a pint mug, ice, two shots of bourbon and fill the rest with green tea. I displayed my usual combination of logic, skepticism and eloquence by demanding to know just who the fuck drinks bourbon mixed with green tea you goddam maniac? Well, John explained that this is pretty much all he drinks these days, and he let me have a sip. Gotta admit, it was a pretty smooth mix. And if you drink enough, you can probably tune out the anguished cries of Jacob Beam's enraged soul.

File under: Future research


Bread said...

but what were you doing at pjs? i thought everyone had abandoned pj for greener pastures...

Chaon said...

Fubar closed early that night.