Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Online Shopping Tip

So, you were surfing around the web, and you ran across a pair of Tanker Boots. And you thought to yourself: "I sure could 'put the boot' to someone with a pair of those." Then you looked at the price, and decided to shop around a couple of different online stores to find a pair that was a) cheaper and b) shipped to Taiwan. Then you found Botach Tactical, who sell the same boots pretty cheap and seem willing to ship anywhere. Oh foolish shopper! For all your vaunted skepticism, and your belief that you are a hardened cynic when it comes to all things online, you couldn't have done a quick search to check the stores online reviews? because the line:
"I wouldn't let Usama Bin Ladin order from these clowns!!"
might have have been a an important hint that your transaction would not go smoothly.

So now you are disputing a credit card charge for only the second time in your life. And you are pretty sure that you would rather be a prison guard at Abu Ghraib than do business with Botach again. Better start wearing Birkenstocks or something.


Anonymous said...

You got a problem with Birks?

Chaon said...

No problem at all. I'm sure they will look great on my size 14 feet. Do I still need to wear wool socks with them? I guess I'll need to stock up on patchouli as well...

Robin said...

Wear black socks with 'em, Karl ... they'll go great with the Bermuda shorts.