Monday, September 13, 2004

Disclaimer: I do not regularly read the main lefty blogs: Atrios, Kos, that Calpundit guy. There is no point in reading a bunch of editorials that will just reinforce views I would tend to hold anyway. And I certainly don't want my political ideas to become a parrotting of a bunch of stuff I read on the internet. Likewise, I read Foxnews first daily, then check out CNN only because they have better international coverage. Gotta keep balance in all things.

So having said that, Apostropher sneakily sent me to a Dailykos post, and I had to laugh.
"Why do you hate this bus so much?"

Taichung News- FM was absolutely hopping Saturday night, in spite of the weather. Things we learned: Belarus (as in the country) means literally 'white Russia'. Thank you Nina. Deian from Macedonia laments the fact that so many people think Alexander was Greek. I pointed out that he is generally referred to as 'Alexander of Macedonia', but Deian insists that too many people don't even know what/where Macedonia is. Jonah (from Israel) says that's better than having people try to blow you up all the time. Jonah also wants to know why the hell nobody will serve him a glass of Southern Comfort with ice: "Every time I order a Southern Comfort, they always give me some kind of mixer. I don't want a mixed drink, I just want Southern Comfort!

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