Friday, July 25, 2008

I think you mispelled "Thieves in House"

Webster Dixon LLP
Fourth Floor
Thavies Inn House
3-4 Holborn Circus
London EC1N 2HA

Dear Client,

In respect to your email, we have been awaiting your establishing
contact with us as regards transfer of your funds amounting $1,000,000.
00 USD.

The Vape Foundation Via Gramsci, 41 40050 Funo (Bologna) Italy website:, a foundation working in Conjunction With
The Economic Community For West African States, United Nations
Organization And The European Union, who came to our chambers last week
to hand your cheque to us.

The objective is to make a notable change in the standard of living of
people all around the universe (from America to Europe, Asia to Africa
and all around). the Vape Foundation has been assured of highest
organization standard courtesy of the United Nations.
All around the universe?


Anonymous said...

Are these people serious! This sounds pretty bogus.

Anonymous said...

are they helping the marshans on mars and other planets too