Wednesday, September 08, 2004

If your dreams are a ghastly melange of shotguns, plasma grenades, and monsters leaping over chasms to get you, all mixed up somehow with the music of the Beastie Boys, then that is a good sign you should quit playing Halo until 3:00 in the morning. I'm just saying. No sleep till Brooklyn indeed.

Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women across this country. Now that's a president sensitive to the needs of the American people! Hey! What about me? I'm not able to practice my love with women across this country or any other!

Giblets has been to Florida.
You have recognized that it is Man's Great Destiny to colonize every inch of the planet even - no! especially! - those parts of the earth that are so comically inhospitable that the assembled forces of God and Nature lash out in a concerted attempt to destroy their aged, enfeebled residents on a regular basis! If you liked sunny weather you could have moved to Arizona. If you liked tourist traps you could have moved to Las Vegas. If you liked vast political corruption you could have moved to Chicago. But your Faustian striving for a ranch home in a noxious wind-battered wasteland has driven you to boldly live where no one else would ever want to before!

Seen in somebody's sig on Forumosa:
A vote for Kerry is a vote for reunification at gunpoint.
Ha ha.

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