Thursday, September 09, 2004

Fox news reports: Cheney: Terror Attack If Kerry Elected

Um Karl, you are thinking, that Fox headline says Cheney: Kerry Win Would Heighten Risk. Well that's what it says today, but yesterday when I was looking at Fox and blogspot decided to crap out on me, it had the first headline. Maybe that first headline wasn't Fair and Balanced enough for Fox News. Whatever. It's their website and they can change their headlines if they want. Or maybe I was having some huge acid flashback yesterday and hallucinated the first headline.

These are the best quotes from the Fark flamewar that instantly erupted:
I love Dick Cheney. He's like the abusive drunken uncle I never had.
Chicken hawk, the rich, white meat.
I'd rather have another Terrorists attack rather than 4 more years of the Bush/Cheney bullshiat.
Bush can go on all he wants about how they're after us because "they hate our freedom." but if they hate "freedom" so much why aren't they bombing Amsterdam or Dublin or Toronto? Because the Netherlands, Ireland and Canada have learned to mind their own damned business and it's time we learn the same.
So Dubya says that the terrorists hate our freedom, and now Cheney says that if Kerry is elected then the terrorists will attack, doesn't that then make Kerry the choice for freedom?
Liberals are scared of the truth.
I love it when the lefties get sand in their vaginas.

And the flamewar winner is:

Cheney is right.

Any school kid knows that if you are a pussy then the schoolyard bully will kick your ass.
If you stand up to him, he backs down and leaves you alone.
Kerry: flip flopping pussy.
Bush: Gods gift to America's security.
What part of this simple logic don't you understand.
by the way; Canadians, stay the hell out of our political discussions. Its none of your business, foreigners.

My take on all this: Canadians are foreigners? Isn't Canada a protectorate of the U.S.? Like Guam, but colder and with better beer? And lefties have vaginas? Even Fidel Castro?

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