Friday, September 24, 2004

Transcript: Bush, Allawi Speak

Ready? Let's play Rhetorical Bingo.

"Freedom" (15 times)
"War on terror"

I've hit rhetorical BINGO!!! Hooray! What's the prize?

But wait! There is more than one game involved with this press conference! There's a logic puzzle involved too. OK, shoot:
What does this statement by President Bush imply?
"I'm not the expert on how the Iraqi people think, because I live in America where it's nice and safe and secure."

Um, OK. Let me think. Let's see, terror alert status: Yellow, elevated. That can't be it. Little Green Footballs are experts on what the Iraqi people think, and they live in America. Boy this is a tough one. The Microsoft interview questions were a lot easier. Hell, I don't know what to make of that statement.

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