Monday, August 30, 2004

You know, if you are planning on being in Tulsa, Oklahoma on September 21, you can see Olivia Newton John at the Mabee Center. I do not know if the venue is pronounced 'Mah-bee' or 'Maybe'. Thanks to Angus for the link to the link. Go ahead and ask Angus about his connection to Olivia Newton John.

Sunday night chess: Jonah whipped me 5 games to 2 in blitz chess last night. Not only is he as fast as I am, but he is probably a more creative attacker than me, which really sucks (my chess game depends entirely on speed and big balls). Spack was a cowardly no-show as usual, but he's British so there's not much for it. Jonah is from Israel. So after losing the third game in a row near the end there, I quipped that it was bad enough that his country was spying on my country, but then he has to come down and beat my ass in chess as well. Jonah's comment on the current spy furor:
"Well I guess Israelis think they don't have enough problems as it is, so they need to start some shit with the Americans too."


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