Friday, October 01, 2004

You know what I hate about the topic of Global Warming? Nobody knows what in the hell they are talking about. And by nobody, I mean nobody at the bar, or at poker. And don't even get me started on the chess guys: They are only vaguely aware that world is a globe.

Oh yeah, I used to try to follow the debate. This is from a thread on Debunkers:
We have done new simulations, applying the MBH98 PC methodology to trendless red noise modeled to exhibit the persistence of the North American tree ring network. Despite having no trend in the underlying proxies the MBH98 method regularly produces hockey stick-shaped PC1¡¦s which then fit neatly against the temperature data, despite having, in principle, zero explanatory power. The benchmark for RE significance is therefore much higher than reported in MBH98 and their reported RE statistic can be shown to lack significance under a more realistic test.

Bleah. Who wants to read stuff like that?

So finally, I found a scientist who can put the Global Warming Debate into terms I can understand.

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