Your score is 6 on a scale of 1 to 10. You're leaning toward John Kerry, although you have some reservations about him. You believe he's presidential material, but wonder if he truly has what it takes to defeat President Bush. He's a bit uninspiring and makes you wince on occasion, but you're willing to suck it up and vote for him anyway.
Actually, I think my opinion of Kerry just has a major shift in the last 45 seconds or so. Based on the question:
Q: After being told by reporters that President Bush had fallen off his bicycle, Kerry quipped, "Did the training wheels fall off?" What's your opinion of the remark?
Because in the final analysis, it's not the economy, social issues, the war on terror, or any of that stuff that matters. It's the ability to savage your opponent with a one-liner that's gonna get my vote. Too bad PJ O'Rourke isn't running.
Go play the The John Kerry Loyalty Quiz and see for yourself.
And of course there is the The George W. Bush Loyalty Quiz result:
Your score is 4 on a scale of 1 to 10. You think Bush has some redeeming attributes, but generally speaking you are not a fan. You may have supported him at one point, but now you have misgivings about the job he has done as president. There's a chance you could bring yourself to vote for him, but at this point you are leaning against him.
I'd rather not be leaning against him; he's not really my type. But there you are.
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